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Greater Latrobe Youth Cheerleading Organization Bylaws
Greater Latrobe Youth Cheerleading Organization
Table of contents:
Article 1: Name and location
Article 2: Purpose
Article 3. Board of Directors
Article 4: Invited Chairs
Article 5: Duties
Article 6: Finance
Article 7: Rules and Regulations
Article 8: Coaches
Article 9: Amendments and Revisions
Article 10: Procedural Rules
Article11: Dissolution
Article 12: Approval
Article I - Name and Location
The name of the Organization shall be the Greater Latrobe School District Youth Cheerleading Organization, hereinafter referred to as the GLSD Youth Cheerleading Organization, located at 131 High School Road, Latrobe, PA 15650, phone number: 724-539-4200.
We are one of the organizations within the Western Pennsylvania Youth Football League d/b/a Washington/Green Youth Football League, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the WPYFL.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1 The object and purpose of GLSD Youth Cheerleading Board is to provide the organizational structure and financial support for cheerleading for persons of appropriate age, as defined by the WPYFL and GLSD for Kindergarten through 6th grade within the Greater Latrobe School District. GLSD Youth Cheerleading serves as a developmental feeder program for the Greater Latrobe Junior and Senior High school Cheerleading teams.
Section 2 To foster and encourage youths to practice the ideals of sportsmanship, teamwork, ethics, scholarship and physical fitness through the means of athletic competition.
Section 3 To assure fair and equal consideration of all participation where playing ability is concerned without regard to race, Creed or national origin, color or sex. To conduct programs that provide for a maximum participation by all youth involved.
Section 4 To solicit and encourage active participation of adults, as well as encouraging good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice and event.
Section 5 To promote safety and well-being first with proper coaching and supervision.
Section 6 To acquaint participants with the fundamentals of Cheerleading.
Section 7 To solicit, accept, receive and hold title to any and all funds and property, real and personal, wheresoever situated, whether by purchase, gift, bequest, decide or other-wise, either absolutely or in trust for any of it is stated purposes, to invest and reinvest and to manage, disburse and handle such funds and property, real or personal and to hold, expend and distribute the same in accordance with the purposes of the Organization.
Section 8 No substantial part of the activities of the Organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing and distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Section 9 Notwithstanding any other provisions set forth herein, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by:
A corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as ended, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Laws.
A corporation, contributions to which are deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes.
Section 10 To conduct affairs of the Organization so that no distinction shall be made as to race, color, creed, sex, age or handicap with regard to membership, employment, professional staff or delivery of services.
Article III–Board of Directors
Section 1. Members
The Board of Directors of GLSD Youth Cheerleading shall be composed of 3-9 members. The number may be changed from time to time by a resolution adopted by a majority of the members of the Board and its’ advisors.
Section 2. Officers
The Officers of GLSD Youth Cheerleading shall be:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Two Treasurers
5. Equipment Manager
6. Events Committee Chair
Section 3. Term and Eligibility
To be eligible to be on the Board the member must have one year of experience with the Organization and be available for the two year term. The officers of GLSD Youth Cheerleading will serve a 2 year term and will be voted into office at the conclusion of every season. No position is to exceed two consecutive terms. The officers shall serve from the time of their election until their successors are elected. Or otherwise voted or stated. An annual term shall run from January 1 through Dec 31 of the cheerleading season.
In the event that there is no interested party for any elected office, elected officers may continue to serve in their current office after two (2) terms until the next officer election.
Following the expiration of the term, the IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT may serve in an advisory capacity to the Board for a period of one year without voting privileges.
Section 4 Vacancies
A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment of the President, subject to approval of the Executive Board. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the executive board shall find a to fill the unexpired term.
Section 5 Nomination and Election of Officers
Officer Elections shall be held at the November general membership meeting. The President shall announce the opening of nominations at the October general membership meeting. A review of offices and duties of those officers shall be provided to membership at this meeting as well. Members shall present themselves as a candidate or be nominated by another member. Nominations may be submitted in writing or received from the floor. All written nominations must be received by the President prior to the last calendar day in October to be placed on the ballot. Any person wishing to be an officer needs to be in good standings with the organization. Please Refer to Article VI-Finance, Section 6 below. In the event that only one nomination is received for each position, a voice vote shall be held. If more than one person is nominated for an office, a paper ballot vote shall be taken. The names of all nominees who consent to their nomination shall appear on the ballot at the November meeting. New officers will assume their duties at the Board meeting in January of the next year.
Section 6 Compensation
The members of the Board shall not receive compensation for their services as Board members nor as Officers. They shall, however, with the approval of the Board be entitled to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of GLSD Youth Cheerleading with the pre approval prior to purchase, and invoice or receipts of sale request. No accounts payable without documentation.
Section 7 Meetings
A minimum of 3 Board meetings must occur every year. Meetings may be conducted in face to face settings or via computer interface. Emergency meetings may be called by any officer of the Board. Membership will be notified as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.
Section 8 Quorum
A quorum shall be composed of three members present. The President or School Administration Representative does not have voting privileges. In the event of a tie, a President will break the tie.
Article IV – Invited Chairs
Section 1 Additional invited chairs will be designated through the season based on the activity of the organization. The Board may request a representative of this committee to attend the Board meeting when deemed appropriate. Such Chairs will be under the title of: Head Coaches, Volunteer Chair, Fundraising Chair, Equipment Manager, Concessions Chair who will have voting privileges, and a Representative from the GLSD Athletic department office, who will not have voting privileges.
Article V – Duties of Officers
Section 1 President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board and/or the membership of GLSD Youth Cheerleading and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office, and organization.
Section 2 Vice President
It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at meetings of GLSD Youth Cheerleading in the absence of the President and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office.
Section 3 Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record and preserve minutes of all meetings of GLSD Youth Cheerleading and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office.
Section 4 Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have custody of all funds of GLSD Youth Cheerleading. In addition, the Treasurer shall collect all dues, fees and assessments, advise coaches and managers on delinquent members and maintain all financial records. The treasurer shall be required to provide details of all deposits and expenditures at the board meetings and to perform such other duties as pertains to this office. Upon election of the new officers, he or she shall turn over to their successor or to the President, all funds, books of account and any other GLSD Youth Cheerleading property in his or her possession.
Section 5 Board Member Policy
No board member shall be held legally or personally responsible, unless malicious and evident intent can be proved. All members and voting members must have the equivalent to clearances that all coaching staff and direct contact within the program require. With advocating for the purposes of dual programs ie. Football. One member of the Cheerleading board will have Representation on the Football board as well as one Football board member will have Representation on the Cheerleading board with the responsibility to advocate dually.
Article VI–Finance
Section 1 Annual Budget
An Annual budget shall be drafted by the Board prior to the start of the Cheerleading season. Budget shall be presented at the first general membership meeting of the season and approved by general membership vote.
Section 2 Deposits
The Treasurer shall deposit all funds of the GLSD Youth Cheerleading in such banks or banks as designated by the Board.
Section 3 Disbursements
All disbursements of funds and purchases shall be paid directly from the GLSD Youth Cheer account either by check or debit. Any reimbursement for purchases made outside of this account should be paid via check upon receipt. Board approval of specific checks shall not be required for expenditures
covering normal operating expenses and for which allocations have been previously approved by the Board. For items not specifically approved by the Board or not considered as normal expenses, the specific payment shall be approved by the Board before being paid by the Treasurer.
Section 3 Refunds
No refunds will be given based on suspensions or ejections of members of any bases. Or if the season has played / ran over 50% of the season.
Section 4 Membership and Dues
The annual dues, fees and assessments of members shall be established by the Board. They can be dictated from a year to year basis. If equipment is not returned at the end of the season, there will also be a fee.
Section 5 Due Date
The Board shall, at the time of establishing fees and assessments, also establish the time, method and/or manner in which the same shall be payable.
Section 6 Not in Good Standing
Any member, participant, parent/guardian that is more than 30 days past due on any funds (some examples membership dues, fundraiser funds, non sufficient funds and related bank fees) or any other funds owed to the GLSD Youth Cheerleading Organization. 30 days starts on the day of notification.
Any member, participant, parent/guardian not in good standing should be notified in writing and will have 10 days to settle their account. Failure to do so could result in removal from the program based on a vote by the Board.
Article VII–Rules and Regulations
Section 1 Guidelines
Rules and regulations governing all matters pertaining to the participation in Cheerleading shall be those of the WPYFL and within the guidelines of GLSD. Or whomever is affording the use of field, location or property management. The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. The organization shall cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare. This organization shall support the structure and procedures of the WPYFL and GLSD.
Section 2 Code Of Conduct
A Written Code of Conduct may be adopted by the Board and shall apply to all GLSD Youth Cheerleading members, coaches, board members, and parents during before and after all games and practices. For as long as the governing bodies are on use of
Section 3 Violations
A violation of any of the foregoing may be the basis for disciplinary action against or termination of the membership of any member of GLSD Youth Cheerleading.
Section 4 Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary actions will be addressed by the Board and voted on with a majority of a vote for any and all Violations of the Code of Conduct or inappropriate action as deemed by the Board. All members of GLSD Youth Cheerleading including board members, parents, coaches and participants are subject to such rules. It is the discretion of the board to suspend or eject members with the following guidelines:
● 1 infraction- 1 game suspension
● 2 infractions - 2 game suspension
● 3 infractions - 3 game suspension
After 2 infractions members may be ejected from the team. It is the discretion of the Board to eject any member based on the severity of the infraction. In matters of a more serious nature, the coach, assistant coach and or board member may request a Board meeting/hearing to determine what action, if any, should be taken.
Section 5 Other Rules
Violations of the rules of GLSD, and WPYFL and any discipline imposed by either or the same may be the basis for further discipline or termination of membership by GLSD Youth Cheerleading. All members of the Organization shall represent the GLSD Youth Cheerleading team in a positive way. The Organization respects the right of all members to maintain a blog or post comments on any social media outlet, however, members shall refrain from doing so in a negative way that involves the identity, integrity or reputation of our Organization including any participant, family, volunteer, coach, league or administration publicly. This would also include any outside verbal communication in the same regards.
Article VIII–Coaches
Section 1 Each coach shall bear the responsibility for the conduct of his assistant coaches, manager (team parent) and squad and shall have the full authority over each of the same.
Section 2 Each coach shall bear the responsibility for and shall have authority over their squads practices, programs, scrimmages and competitions following GLSD and WPYFL policies set in place.
Section 3 All coaches must provide clearances in compliance with the requirements
of the WPYFL and Greater Latrobe School District.
Section 4 The coaches, assistant coaches and squads managers shall be appointed by the Board, GLSD, and WPYFL and cannot be removed during the season without approval of the Board, GLSD, and WPYFL, or deemed otherwise with its support from its advisers, GLSD or the WPYFL.
The ByLaws contain statements indicating whatever powers and limitations of powers are placed on members of this organization.
Section 1 Amendments
These ByLaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting. Notice of the proposed amendment shall have been provided at the previous meeting, memo sent home with the participants and posted to the social media outlets no less than fifteen days prior to a motion and vote of the proposed amendment.
Section 2 Revision Schedule
The GLSD Youth Cheerleading Bylaws are to be reviewed annually. Amendments can be made as needed. Proposed changes must be presented in physical form at a monthly meeting for members to review. The proposed changes shall also be available on the school website and through the proper social media outlets. A memo shall be sent home directing parents where to view the proposed changes. Once posted for thirty (30) days, the ByLaws will be presented at the general membership meeting and open to discussion. At this time, motion can be made to adopt the proposed ByLaws.
ARTICLE X–Procedural rules
Section 1 Meeting procedural rules
The authority of the GLSD Youth Cheerleading shall follow the “Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, shall govern the procedures to be followed at all GLSD Youth cheerleading Board meetings.
Section 2 Agenda
Old Business
Treasurer’s report
Event Committees report
Coaches report
New business
Members Comments
Next Meeting tentative date
Article XI– Dissolution
Section 1 The organization, by majority vote in a general membership meeting, shall authorize the appointment of a committee to consider disbanding the organization and the necessary steps of doing so.
Article XII–Approval
Section 1
All provisions of the present Constitution of GLSD Youth Cheerleading are hereby approved. Attest by: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurers and Heads of Coaching
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